Thursday 5 November 2015

Remedy for Acne Scar.

Acne scar happen when you hand is always on your face ( you know what I means ). There are many bacteria in our hand, so make sure clean your hand before you touch your's.

There are several way to reduce the scar, but I prefer to tell you only 2 ways. Why?
Because I think this is the most effective way and I only tell you the truth. What you need is some stuff from the kitchen ( it's only THREE actually ).

What you need is lemon, cinnamon powder and raw honey. The step is quite easy too :

1. You add 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder
2. Then, add 2 teaspoon of honey
3. Mix it together until it become a  paste
4. Apply it on the scar for 15-30 minute.

Your face will feel hot because of the cinnamon, but it's just for a while. Furthermore, honey will make your face feel less hot, that's why there are combine together. Honey act as antibacterial & it help kill acne too.

The 2nd remedy is, you just need to replace the cinnamon with lemon. The ratio is still the same or you just pat your face with the lemon juice. But if your face feel itchy ( depend on skin ), it's better to mix it with honey.

Though it take a long time for the scar to fade,this remedy work really well for me,I hope it will work the same for you too. Apply it for 3 or twice a week.

Make sure clean you face before apply it.

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